Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dear John

I've moved to greener pastures where blogging can be more spontanious, less of a chore. I know in reality we weren't together all that long, but this blog is over! If you'd like our relationship to continue visit me at my new home. If not I guess this is goodbye, farewell.


See you soon....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Crazy Busy!

To say I've been busy lately is an understatement!. I am trying with everything I have to do way too many things. On top of everything I'm so excited that my niece and nephew will be coming all the way from Australia for a 5 week holiday...very soon so we're madly trying to make arrangements for that time with them.

I've been shooting like mad and now I have a couple of weeks to finish up orders before they arrive. This maternity shoot today is one of my last to do. The only shoots left is the newborn session and a really fun, high energy family with 4 kids. I can't wait to do both of them and I'll be posting a tone as soon as I find the time. I have more maternity to show you and a two day old beautiful baby girl!

Here's the hot Mama...can you believe this is her fourth!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I love seeing kids love themselves this much...

Katie ran upstairs to get dressed to go to the mall. I'm not exactly sure what you'd call this style ;-)

Love ya baby girl!!

Moving Right Along...

Introducing my newest bundle of joy...isn't she pretty!

...and together with her big sister...who has suffered quite a bit and was given an early retirement...

I have a very handy little tidbit...I found out, a year and a half too late that California Law states a consumer has up to 30 days to return merchandise - it trumps a 14 day store policy but staff will go to great lengths to avoid complying.

Say if for instance you bought a 20" iMac one afternoon and returned it the next morning for a refund [to purchase another iMac] because the one you have is doing weird, freaky, poltergeist things - you may be told it's a software issue and it is a simple matter of re-installing a few programs. You may not feel comfortable with that and still want a refund. Someone might tell yo you're not entitled to one because it's merely a 'software' issue and must be looked at by genius techs first. Amazing!! Theres nothing wrong with it! Maybe it was your imagination - after all, you are an artist!

You believe them and go along with it thinking you have no other choice. By day 15 and numerous appointments with the so called "genius" bar you may be frustrated and demand a refund. At that point you'd be told "I'm sorry Mam, we have a 14 day policy and let me see...oh, yes - you're at day 15, there's nothing we can do to help you. Did you purchase Apple Care? Yes, Great [you're going to need it]!". Over time to get to know the staff quite well - since you're there so often with you lemon!

Soooo, don't be a "bad consumer" like me and believe everything you're told by a sales person or a tech or any staff member for that matter - your best interests are not their concern! YOU HAVE 30 DAYS TO OBTAIN A REFUND

Wow! I feel so much better! If I can help just one person avoid a situation like this, I can let go. Am I bitter? Not so much now.

Thanks for listening ;-)

Friday, May 9, 2008


Too much of this...

Can lead to too much of this...

Yes, in true PhotoMama style I grabbed my camera at 2:30am to catch this moment - hence the ridiculously blurry image and tones of noise. Honestly, taking the shot was cruel and unusual punishment for both of us since he then thought it was time to "go dowdairs n wa a moo-v on tb". Did I mention it was 2:30am? He'd caught the stomach flu two days earlier but since we found this 'like new' tub of cookies behind his favorite chair - almost empty, we're not so sure it was "just" the tummy wog! Scary thing is - he had NO loss of appetite!

"This is the way I clean my room, clean my room cle"...

Sing it with me, we all remember the tune...

You get the picture! Miss Katie has been banished to her room every afternoon until she puts away her toys.

You can see she's taking the matter very seriously ;-)

Thursday, May 1, 2008


When I saw this little guy this morning I about fell over! He's got the cutest little face!!! Baby M. belongs to a dear friend of mine and as I prepare to begin the monumental task of catching up since my computer went into a coma, I thought it'd be great to have this little guy christen my new computer!!!! I love him!! I totally want to bring him home!! Congrats Kori, you've got some good genes girl!!

Side note...the color I have at home is SSOOO much nicer than the web version. I'll be working on that! I'm sure it's the click of a wee little button! I have it at warm and creamy and here it's well...YUK!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Our Newest House Guests...

Aren't these the cutest little things? It reminds me of raising orphaned kangaroos when I was younger and still living in Australia! Oh, I miss those little things!

Every year about this time delightful little birdied that chirp through most of the night are hatched! this year, with many thanks to my 100 macro, I was able to catch a glimpse of them! See if you can figure out the puzzle. Two are top and tail a third and maybe a fourth are squished beneath them! If the weren't so LOUD at 3:00am beneath my bedroom window they'd be more than wonderful but for now they're "just" wonderful :-) Love ya birdies!

Lady luck

We're so happy to have lady bugs nesting in two of our trees! What a wonderful experience it is to wake up in the morning, look out your window and see hundreds of them wandering around before your very eyes! I've always thought of ladybugs as good luck charms so imaging how fab it feels to find them everywhere ever day :-)

She "Has a New Window!"

My beautiful baby girl lost her fourth tooth a couple of days ago. She came running out of her bathroom screaming MUMMY, I LOST MY TOOTH - I HAVE A NEW WINDOW!!!" It was priceless :-) I love Mummy moments like that!

I had to show this delightful look!

The New Baby in Our House...

OMG! Introducing "Pip"...for now. He's somewhat of a little known fella so I'll come back to him in a couple of weeks suffice to say he's doing a wonderful thing for a lot of little ones :-) Pip LUUVVVs us!

...and Ryan's binky!

...and sometimes he get's it backwards...

Really, I'm not kidding! This little guy takes then when ever he can find them. On this day, Ry baby was hit by an "accidentally moving jump rope" and the the second the binky hit the floor [dur to the wild open mouth crying - very sad] Pip took off like a dog posessed! You can't imaging how fast a teensy weensy puppy can run when he's on a mission!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I had to drop in and say "Hi"

O.K. the pace around here is, well only something you'd understand if you were actually as crazed as I am right now! I'm seriously ready tho throw my computer out the window! Dearest Hubby, who's computer functions perfectly thinks we need to stick with this one! If he could only experience a glimpse of this craziness I know he'd agree with ME! And don't even get me started on anything else!

So thank you everyone who's patiently waiting on a gallery or an order, they're in the works!

As usual I'll be running out the door soon, waiting on R. to rescue me and come home early AGAIN in place of our apparently forgetful nanny! Thanks honey...but could ya hurry it up pretty, pretty, please!

I wanted to post one from a session last week. I closed my eyes and pointed to this super cute little darling! There'll be a lot more to come once I catch up from the 'crisis'.

I read a little saying the other day that i related too...'I'm too blessed to be stressed!' I've been trying to keep it in mind!

Bye for now

~ S

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm Back!!

Boy, has it been a long week! It's never easy trying to scramble around computer issues but I'm back on track [for now]! It's VERY late [again] and I promised myself I'd go to bed and not sit back at the computer. Let's just say tomorrow's another day! I've got so much to catch up on and trying to keep a balance between work and family can be tricky. O.K. I have to be faster!

Here's little Miss. Fancy Pants R. and her fabulously handsome older brother T. [who claims NOT to be dating anyone!]. This young man was a joy! He was so polite for a boy his age, I was very impressed! You may recognize Little Miss R. from my last post. She happened to come down with one of those pesky illnesses that we all hate right in the middle of our shoot! A few days later she was on top of the world and looking as cute as ever!

To clients who are waiting on prints and galleries - they're being worked on at a furious pace! Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I Have to Show a Less Serious Side!

This is Little Miss R. from yesterday...she's so beautiful and I hear she [along with Mom and Dad] suffered all night with a fever. I did manage to get a few less serious shots of her so I thought I'd post a couple before I take the kids out to lunch. Today's shoot was tones of fun. There was a very active 5yr old boy and an adorable blue eyed bunch of sweetness getting ready to take her first steps! I'll be posting those hopefully by tomorrow!

Friday, April 4, 2008

You Guessed it...One More!

He's so fun to look at, how could I not share another?


This little guy, Master J. reminds me of my nephew when he was the same age. They surely could be brothers and have the same tendencies to laugh and eat one's hands! Luckily they grow out of the latter and picture taking becomes a easier task Mommy! He really is a happy happy in fact I had to wait for a pause in the giggling to take the shot!

Poor Little Angel...

This sweet little thing came down with a fever not long after I started shooting...such a trooper she was that I managed to get a few 'keepers' before she popped off to bed for a well earned rest!. Right after that I was lucky to spend the rest of the shoot with her baby brother. He's such a hoot! Stay tuned for those images!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


I know you all must think I have nothing better to do...I have no excuse for posting so much from one session...except they're so darn cute and I just wanted you all to see what I've been up to!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Such Wonderful Kids...

I popped in to the office on my way to bed and thought I'd just "quickly" post a few images from yesterday's shoot! After all, I couldn't just not show up here today - right? An hour later and I'm still here playing, barely able to keep my eyes open and having told R. earlier to make sure he hops into bed at a regular hour tonight! Truth be told, I think I've been sneaking in just before him lately (sshhh! Don't tell!) Goodnight everyone, thanks for all your kind comments and encouragement. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just two more wee pictures...Promise

I think I'm addicted! I promise - no more!

O.K. One More...

I love this shot so I just had to post it!

8 Days Old...

I spent the most glorious day today with the most glorious newborn baby girl! Introducing 8 day old baby H. Oh my goodness, she was a perfect little peanut! I'm so happy I was given the opportunity to do this shoot, it was long - very, very long but it wasn't really my fault...she was so well behaved and cooperative that it would've been irresponsible of me not to keep shooting! So many times we thought we'd try something at the risk of waking Little Miss. H. up but not a chance! Even when we wanted her awake, she would barely open her eyes! Her Mom thinks I'm some sort of freak baby whisperer now who somehow made her baby sleep naked for hours on end whilst bending her like a pretzel! 600 images later it was very hard to choose some to blog. I virtually had to close my eyes and point! Thanks Nikki for having me over, you're so great to work with! So are you a B/W girl or a color girl?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Something New and Something Old...

Boy I feel like I'm addicted to this blog these days! Tonight, well it's getting late again but I felt like taking a short break to get a cup of tea and to post. I love this old color, i think I need something similar in my own collection and for some reason i don't have any collages either...may have to make me one!

And can I just say to everyone who's written to me "Thank you" for your comments and your compliments! We all know how good it feels to get one but I think artists in particular need the validation a friendly pat of the back provides - especially when it's not your Mum or Dad telling you!! :-)

No Picture This Time...A Big Thank You Instead!

I know I could be off doing any number of jobs...we all could, but I choose this one. I choose five hours of sleep a night. I choose to sacrifice time with my family to indulge in what I love. I have such a great time when friends let me run off on a wonderful photographic adventure full of fun and fanciness with their kids. Most of all I love seeing and hearing about how much they cherish the gift of the past captured. My friends are some of my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am humbled and I am happy.

Flying High...

Well it seems that this is a shot that every parent should have of their kids too. It's so much fun for the kids and it's so easy to get! Thanks to Miss K, Miss H and the other Miss K. you girls are very talented! Is it a coincidence you're all wearing green?